Locanda Baggio on Il Giornale di Vicenza
In the Locanda Baggio the history of Treviso and modern cuisine Giulia Gavagnin’s words have been able to capture the soul of our restaurant in just a few lines. Read the full article from Il Giornale di Vicenza here.
Marco Colognese talks about us
Il Veneto, regione di enologia e paesaggi inconfondibili Se anche voi pensate che il piacere della tavola passi anche attraverso il calice non mancate di leggere questo focus del mese di Vendemmie. Insieme a stimati colleghi anche Locanda Baggio figura tra gli indirizzi selezionati e siamo felici che l’esperienza di Marco Colognese sia rimasta […]
CHIC new entry
CHIC New entry It is with pleasure that we announce the entry of Ivano Mestriner in CHIC, Charming Italian Chef, an association founded in 2009 that brings together a hundred great professionals (over fifty Michelin stars) who offer creative cuisine, respecting the raw materials typical of […]
Identità Golose Guide
Identità Golose Guide The 16th edition of Identità Golose’s Guide to Italian Restaurants was presented in Milan on Monday 27 March and we are happy to announce that Locanda Baggio has also become one of the top restaurants selected by the jury. A recognition that comes after so many years […]
CocoRadicchio 2023
CocoRadicchio 2023 The multi-year collaboration between Locanda Baggio and the CocoRadicchio association was once again sanctioned this year by two evening events in February 2023. Ivano Mestriner has given his brilliant and colorful imprint to the prince of the Venetian winter, presenting, among other dishes, the lacto-fermented sea cicada with late Treviso radicchio, parsley […]
CocoFungo 2022
CocoFungo 2022 It was 1976 when Giuseppe Maffioli – well known as “Bepo” friend of cooking, theater and culture – and Fernando Raris – a passionate “scientist” of the table – invented CocoFungo. The name was born from a pun joke between “coco”, a dialect word that stands for a specific type of mushroom, […]